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How to Boost Your Mood with Food

How to boost your mood with food

Eating healthy and nutritious food is vital for your mental health, as well as your physical health; and a combination of both gives you more energy and brain power. Nurturing and nourishing your body correctly can help the mind to function more effectively. At CCH Live, we have put together 6 of the best and healthy foods that are guaranteed to boost your mood.

  1. Oily Fish

Oily fish can improve your brain function as well as your raise your mood. They are a rich source of omega-3 fats, particularly EPA, which have been found to elevate mood and, in some cases, lower levels of depression. As well as being packed with protein, oily and fatty fish are rich in vitamin B12 and selenium, which help to reduce inflammation in the body, build and maintain our bones, and support the nervous system.

Oily Fish

  1. Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds are also foods that can better your mood and aid your brain power. They contain high amounts of plant-based proteins, healthy fats and fibre. Try including almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts, as well as pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds into your diet. Certain nuts and seeds are also good sources of zinc and selenium, which are important for effective brain function.

Nuts and seeds

  1. Beans & Lentils

Did you know beans and lentils are good, healthy carbohydrates?  The perfect brain and mood food. Beans and lentils contain medium to high levels of carbs, so are a great energy source for your body. They are also a source for nutrients such as vitamin B12, which helps to improve your mood and continue to feel good.

Beans and lentils

  1. Oats

Oats, which can be eaten as savoury or sweet, are excellent for providing fuel for your body and boosting your mood. They are also a great source of fibre and iron. Eating oats in the morning, will not only help with your digestion throughout the day, but will also maintain your energy levels and good mood.

Porridge Oats

  1. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods, such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and live yoghurt, can improve your mood as well as your gut health. They contain high levels of probiotics, helping with the digestive system. Fermented foods are key to maintaining the health of the gut and the brain, therefore have a calming effect on the body.

Fermented foods

  1. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has many mood-boosting properties. Its sugar content, which is usually lower than milk chocolate, provides an energy boost, while its taste, texture, and smell is pleasurable and promotes a good mood. The high percentage of cacao also has antioxidant power.

Dark chocolate

So, if you wish to boost your mood, avoid reaching for those high-calorific or super sugary foods, and instead try our 6 different, healthy and nutritious foods to better your mood, improve energy levels and power your brain.

Check out our previous blog post to explore our top 5 Wellness Tips to Boost Your Mood in Lockdown.

If you have any further enquires about this or wish to improve your health in general, book a FREE 15 minutes telephone consultation now!

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