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Winter is not the time to diet!

This is the time of year when the body especially needs healthy fat stores, to keep warm and to boost the immune system. The stress caused by dieting will only leave you miserable and more vulnerable to viruses. So, ignore the pressure and simply enjoy a healthy diet of nutritious, delicious food! […]

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Fitness for life – from youth to seniors

Fitness is essential at all stages of life. We can help you discover the best plan for your age and body type while accommodating any health issues or concerns you may have. We understand that beginning a fitness journey can be intimidating, so whether you are a fitness beginner or a long-time fitness fan, we […]

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Having brunch?

Choose foods rich in good fats like avocado, walnuts and pumpkin seeds, oily fish like smoked salmon or mackerel, and free-range eggs. They cool inflammation in the body, and are vital for normal hormone functions. […]

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Wear a hat

Your head is the one area that does not experience reduced blood flow when it is cold, so heat loss is still a risk – a wool or sheepskin hat are good options here. I usually tie a silk scarf around my hair to cut down on static and to prevent the cotton or wool […]

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Do you find falling asleep difficult, no matter how tired you are? Do you find yourself waking up around 3am at night only to fall asleep as the alarm goes off? Are you finding it hard to stay awake throughout the day, only to feel more alert when it is time to go to bed? […]

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Stimulate your mind and eyes with art and music

Or start any hobbies that lift you into a more optimistic mind-set – Winter is a great time to catch up on those books you want to read or must-see movies. Keeping your mind engaged with enjoyable activities can help you manage SAD (seasonal affective disorder). […]

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