Raewyn Guerrero is an authority on preventive health, anti-ageing, brain health and mental wellbeing. Her mission is to empower you to become a highly energised, functioning, and fulfilled version of yourself, through a 90 day personalised DRESS (Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Management and Selective Supplements) for Success plan.
Raewyn and her team have helped hundreds of people get to the root of their health issues. She was also a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Mindfulness in the Workplace from 2015 -2016.
Raewyn says, “It took me 5 years trying different diets, supplements, alternative and traditional therapies, which only left me functioning at half my capacity, until I discovered the precision of Functional Medicine. It’s why I left corporate and retrained as a Functional Medicine Health Coach.”
“The knowledge that we can live our way into illness,” she says, “means that there is also the promise that we can live our way into optimal health.”
In this video, Raewyn talks to Jacqueline Harvey about what functional medicine is; her own personal health experiences; vitamins, nutrients and nutrition; her latest advice as well as explaining her fantastic Heal Your Gut 90 Day Programme.
You can find out more about Raewyn here or if wish to have your first consultation, you can book an appointment here.
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