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Recovery from long term sickness

How long it takes to recover from a long term Sickness is different for everyone and the chances of having long-term symptoms seems to be linked to how ill you were at the point of contracting the virus. Sufferers seek to come to terms with the impact that the virus has had on their body.

We seek to develop an holistic treatment strategy that supports long-lasting recovery.

  • Sufferers have symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, brain fog, changes in smell or taste, fever etc. And the symptoms are going on beyond 12 weeks.

Treatments include:

  • Nutritional supplements
  • Gentle exercises where appropriate
  • Physiotherapy
  • Meditation and mindfulness, deep-breathing techniques
  • Lifestyle alteration where necessary

Session duration

  • The first session will be one hour.  Cost £120.00
  • Follow-up is 30 minutes.  Cost £70.00

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