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Wear a hat

Your head is the one area that does not experience reduced blood flow when it is cold, so heat loss is still a risk – a wool or sheepskin hat are good options here. I usually tie a silk scarf around my hair to cut down on static and to prevent the cotton or wool […]

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Stimulate your mind and eyes with art and music

Or start any hobbies that lift you into a more optimistic mind-set – Winter is a great time to catch up on those books you want to read or must-see movies. Keeping your mind engaged with enjoyable activities can help you manage SAD (seasonal affective disorder). […]

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Going From the Freezing Cold to Stifling Heat⠀

Dressing in layers rather than thick jumpers and coats can help keep your body at the right temperature when you are going from the cold outside to overheated interiors and vice versa⠀⠀ […]

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Feed Your Senses⠀⠀

Feed your five senses to block out the harshness of the winter season. Create a beautiful environment for yourself with scents and soft beautiful textures in the home. Visual beauty, warm lighting and calming music can help to increase wellbeing. […]

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